Activities’ areas

What we do

The Firm provides the expertise of its professionals for judicial protection before the EU Court of Justice, Council of State, Court of Cassation, Regional Administrative Courts, Ordinary courts and specialized sections on public procurement contracts beyond Community thresholds, Enterprise and Intellectual Property, as well as in foreign Courts.

Thanks to a network of external collaborations and to the participation in international networks, the Firm operates internationally and in particular has assisted clients and assists clients in the following countries: Belgium, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Morocco, Nigeria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, United States, Tunisia.

Services for individuals

Following and managing the legal needs of individuals identifiable in the figure of Consumer or in that of people interested in being protected in their investment or succession choices is the subject of the Firm’s activities. Your protection is our goal.

Services for enterprises and companies

The Firm offers the necessary legal support to allow informed choices to highlight and/or resolve critical issues in investments, new collaborations, in the management of domestic and foreign business or web business relationships. Assist companies or managers in property, commercial or business disputes with competent, attentive and targeted technical support is what the Firm takes care of with passion to support and actively contribute to your choices.

Civil law
  • Movable and immovable sales and related disputes
  • Succession and related disputes
  • Warrants and Grants
  • Family law
  • Condominium and related disputes
  • Property rights and related disputes
  • Civil liability
  • Litigation
Business law
  • Assistance and consultancy in commercial and contract transactions (real estate, sale, leasing, franchising, distribution, agency, import/export, licences, rental, custom contracts, contracts, sale, etc.)
  • Liability by defective product
  • Debt recovery
  • On line contracts
  • E- commerce
Corporate law
  • Constitution and regulations of Companies, Consortia, Joint Ventures, Associations in participation, Member’s agreements

  • Litigation

  • Consulting in corporate transactions

Industrial law
  • Searches and registration of trademarks in Italy, EU and internationally

  • Contracts (licences for use)

  • Legal assistance and defence of Trademarks and Patents in Italy, EU and internationally

The Consumer protection
  • Financial and commercial contracts
  • Liability by defective product
Administrative & Public Contracts
  • Consultancy for tenders and appeals

  • Contracts and management of public contracts

  • Contracts and Subcontracting Management, Validation Contracts, ATI, Network Contracts

  • Claims

  • Consultancy for real estate investments, contracts and project financing

  • Consultancy for authorizations for construction works

  • Assistance in the event of expropriation

Private International Law
  • Commercial contracts (sale/ distribution/ agency/ partnerships/Joint Ventures, market places)

  • Contracts for international contracts

  • Contracts for contracts under FIDIC specifications

  • Contracts based on UNIDROIT principles or international conventions

  • Commercial disputes

European Law – Antitrust
  • Unfair competition and abuse of dominant positions

  • European commercial law (licensing and distribution, agency)

  • Exequatur of judgments of Community countries

  • European executions and enforcement orders

Labour law
  • Employment, collaboration and project contracts

  • Protection of know-how

  • Redundancies

  • Outsourcing

  • Ordinary, special and superior courts

  • Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration

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