Law Firm

Clear, fast and effective legal advice and legal assistance services at national and international level

The Law Firm

Avv. Pietro G. Bembo & Partners

The firm of the lawyer Pietro Gianbattista Bembo began in Milan in 1988, consolidated in 1994 and developed – thanks to founding principles such as professionalism, transparency and effectiveness – to offer legal assistance and defense in out-of-court and judicial matters. The Firm is characterized by

professional competence and the personalization of assistance and operates with an artisanal structure, but internationally connected as the founder and partner of a global network since 1989, in order to guarantee pertinent and professional answers up to date, concrete, timely and effective.

The Firm

A professional and dynamic Law Practise in Milan, independent, multidisciplinary and internationally connected, which has been operating in various areas of intervention since 1994 to provide advice and defensive assistance to both private individuals and companies in Italy and abroad.

Services for individuals

Following and managing the legal needs of individuals identifiable in the figure of Consumer or in that of people interested in being protected in their investment or succession choices is the subject of the Firm’s activities. Your protection is our goal.

Services for enterprises and companies

The Firm offers the necessary legal support to allow informed choices to highlight and/or resolve critical issues in investments, new collaborations, in the management of domestic and foreign business or web business relationships. Assist companies or managers in property, commercial or business disputes with competent, attentive and targeted technical support is what the Firm takes care of with passion to support and actively contribute to your choices.

Activities’ areas

Civil Law

Corporate Law

Industrial Law

Labour Law

Business Law


Why choose us

Each of us puts our skills and professionalism at the service of our clients to solving their legal problems, accompanying them towards the most suitable and convenient path. Reliability, collaboration and ability are the values that guide the Law Firm in its activity.


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